Category Archives: New Product

Frostgrave…Where tabletop war games and role playing games meet.

Our small group has been, and will always be gamers. We love them all. Board games, miniature games, cooperative games, and especially role playing games. As such, we are always looking for new games to enjoy, and in so doing we have been delighted to dip–well, plunge–into Frostgrave.

It is a miniature skirmish game set in the fantasy city of Frostgrave that was destroyed by an ancient, and very magical apocalypse. Covered for thousands of years in ice and snow by the magical nature of the war that destroyed it, wizards are now bringing war bands into the city to uncover ancient and lost secrets. If it sounds familiar, it is very much like Mordheim.

It is an amazing blend of what makes a miniature skirmish game and a role playing game fun. Designed for no more than 10 miniatures per war band (and you can readily use any miniatures you might already have on hand), it is easy to get new people in to, plays quickly and intuitively, and is a lot of fun. We would encourage you to look into it.

On our end, we love to support the games we love, and this is one of them. We will be adding products to our store in the coming weeks that we use to enhance our own playing of this great little game which bears a great deal of promise.

If you are interested in our tokens and products we designed with our own play of this game in mind, please feel free to have a look:

Kraken Skulls products compatible with Frostgrave

Happy New Year Ox Carts!

We have added the first of a small collection of ox and horse drawn carts, all in 28mm scale. While made with the fantasy RPG and wargamer in mind, these carts will also work for many historical gamers. We simply did not want to advertise them as historical, because they are not modeled specifically from historical examples.

Thanks for having a look, and hope the New Year brings you an ox cart full of good times!