Category Archives: Uncategorized

Great Review and an even better Wargaming Blog! (And an update on our schedule)

Henry Durand gave us a great review, and in so doing, showed us his very cool miniature war gaming blog. Would encourage you to check it out.

And here is our review:

And as to our departure and hopeful sooner than anticipated return, we may be back sooner than expected (sooner than September 7). If we do, we will make sure to get the orders out accordingly ahead of their delayed schedule.

A quick working vacation

A short message to let you know we will be away from the shop from August 23, 2016 until September 7, 2016. Any orders received during that time will be filled as quickly as possible when we return.  All orders received will be shipped by September 10, 2016.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Latex War Gaming Terrain Mat: The Materials

Today I made the run to our local home improvement center (called Menard’s, similar to a Lowes or Home Depot) and purchased the materials for the terrain mat.

This mat is intended mostly to represent North West Europe. I will be using it for SAGA and for various World War II games, and in various scales as well. To that end, I wanted a base color for the mat that was fairly typical of that region’s soil. I chose to use Vallejo’s Flat Earth as the base color for a couple of reasons. First, it is fairly close to a typical soil color for the places I am representing, especially after shading and dry brushing to break up the tones. Second, it is the base color I have used on my miniatures for years, and I love to be able to mask the bases of the figures as much as possible.

Obviously the cost of using Vallejo paint to cover a play mat 6 x 9 feet in dimension would be ridiculously expensive, so I used the paint departments color matching and had them make a quart of it (approximately a liter). I am hoping this will be enough, but if it is not, it should be easy enough to get another.

The finished mat will be 5 x 8 feet, so I selected a heavy duty canvas drop cloth to use as the base. There were a wide variety of sizes available, and one could create an absolutely huge terrain mat if they desired. The best size for me was the 6 x 9, allowing me a foot to cut off the outside when I am done.

Then came the caulking. It took some digging to find the latex acrylic caulking that did not have silicone added to it. I was not sure if the addition of silicone would affect the paint or not. I suspect it would not matter, but finding latex acrylic caulk without it saved me the worry. I probably bought more than needed, but have plans to make a desert mat if this works out well, so I can save it for that project.

The list of materials with cost breaks down like this:
1 6 x 9 Canvas Painters Drop Cloth $9.50
1 Quart of Latex Enamel Interior House Paint matched to Vallejo Flat Earth $10.50
6 Tubes of Latex Acrylic Caulk $1.74 each, so $10.44

Materials not pictured, but either free for me, or things I already have on hand:
A copious amount of sand, free from the driveway.
A wide variety of flocking of differing shades and textures.
A putty knife.
A large wooden table which I can leave the cloth attached to while I work.

My total cost so far is about $30, and I do not foresee much more expense. If it works out well, it should be a fairly flexible and cost effective terrain mat, and with any luck, it will look good too.

New Terrain Mat In The Works

So we make items for war gaming for a living, but the road to doing so was paved with years of being hobbyists ourselves. To that end, we still play when we can, and with a large basement we always had the luxury of a space for a huge table.

That said, at some point soon we will be empty-nesters (our youngest is done with school in a couple months) and we are looking towards moving somewhere warmer, somewhere where it will not be below freezing and snowing as late as May. On that front, I have been thinking a lot about how to down-size my war gaming hobby, while still keeping the flexibility of excellently modeled and good looking terrain. Enter the solution: Acrylic latex terrain mats.

Made from painter’s canvas drop cloth, some tubes of acrylic caulking, latex house paint, sand from the driveway, and flocking from a wide variety of sources (both homemade and purchased) and apparently a good deal of patience, I will begin working on this project and putting up posts here detailing my own experiences with the project.

I am sourcing a wide variety of tutorials for this, but the most instrumental in pushing me to do this, and the one I am following closely, can be found here:

I doubt I could improve at all on this fantastic walk-through, and do not really aspire to, but thought I should point this out to anyone who might be interested in this project, and considering attempting it themselves. I would love to hear about your experiences with it as well. A special word of thanks to Tobi’s Paint Pot, an excellent blog.

A couple of fun apps for Fantasy Tabletop RPG gamers

I am a long time DM for various tabletop RPGs. Two things that add flavor to a game are weather and a good tavern, both of which occur with regular frequency for the average D&D party.

As such, I am sharing a couple of links to my Kraken Skulls business partner Grant’s weather generator app and tavern generator (the tavern generator is definitely designed around D&D 5E but useable for many games). Both are easy, intuitive, fun, and free. So if you are a tabletop role player, and especially a GM, enjoy!

Tavern Generator:

Weather Generator:
